Our philosophy:

Every organization has a mission that goes beyond just making money or continually growing. What is yours? How are you helping to make the world a better place?

Organizations and individuals know when they have a great service to offer or a unique product offering.

However, these same people struggle to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.

Many people are not comfortable performing sales activities, at least not in the traditional sense. They don't feel like they should have to convince people to use their product or service, because the offering should speak for itself.

Somebody today could be benefiting from what you have to offer. However, they probably just don't know you exist.

Welcome to sales.

We don't believe the common sales myths

Myth: Successful salespeople are born that way

Reality: According to predictive index testing, there are only about 3 million people in the USA naturally "wired" for sales. However, there are 20-30 million people actively conducting business-to-business sales activities every day. Sales success comes from behaviors and habits that almost anyone can learn, not from some magical ability to persuade others.

Myth: Salespeople are natural extroverts

Reality: The only difference between extroverts and everyone else is that extroverts draw energy from interacting with other people. The rest of the population has to exert a little bit of effort to be outgoing. Best of all, unlike extroverts, introverts will almost never become the stereotype of that obnoxious salesperson.

Myth: Every customer is different

Reality: You have customers already, right? Your customers have things in common that you may not yet realize. In addition, they way you on-boarded these successful customers worked once which means it can work again. By replicating this process and targeting future customers that match your ideal customer profile, you can easily scale up a sales team to repeat this process over and over again.

Myth: Everyone is a potential customer

Reality: Not really. Yes, anyone can potentially connect you to someone you would like to know but the most important indicator for success is focusing time and effort on those companies that are pre-qualified and already match your company's ideal client profile. Working a short list of companies in this way leads to more new clients in a much faster (and easier) way than constant networking to "people of interest".

Myth: Cold-calling is dead

Reality: So, every customer you have today is someone you have always known? At no point in time did someone pick up the phone, send an email, drop off a note or bump into the right person at the right time? Referrals are a prime source for leads but knowing what companies you can bring value to and persistently targeting them from cold-call to trusted relationship is a tried and true method that will never disappear.

Myth: Only weak salespeople need help

Reality: Every star athlete, every rock star and every great business leader has other people to thank for getting them to where they are today. It takes a team to build a business. Most importantly, it requires a sales coach and a sales manager.

Viking Sales Consultants has learned that every successful customer has mastered these simple concepts:

  • FOCUS - they know what they offer and who needs it.

  • FUNNEL - they understand how they have most successfully engaged new clients in the past, and systemized this process to do it over and over again.

  • FOUNDATION - they make sure their sales teams have the tools they need and the proper sales management to keep them on track, motivated and properly coached.

  • FLEXIBILITY - they know that any rules of their business can only apply 80% of the time. The exception cannot be the rule, but there are always exceptions. This "random" element is often what saves a business in times of unseen economic downturns such as the Pandemic of 2020 and the Great Recession of 2009.

About Us

Viking Sales Consultants was founded in 2019 and is located in beautiful Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio where Vic Ing lives with his wife, four children and several animals who if they could speak, would also call him Dad.

Vic Ing is the Founder and President of Viking Sales Consultants, a company he started after 25 years of success in the business world as a salesperson, team leader, business executive, and trainer. He helps organizations of all sizes simplify and clarify their selling process and target only the best prospective customers. He also instills best practices into their sales teams through training workshops from the principles to be found in his forthcoming book, Selling Is Easy (if You Know the Rules). He has found success across several industries, where he has been routinely recognized as a top sales performer. As a result, he has received far too many regional and national awards than a person should. He has been featured as the subject of numerous publications and podcasts. He has achieved all of this while constantly going against the status quo and dispelling the myths about what really makes a salesperson most effective.

Vic Ing


Viking Sales Consultants

(330) 459-9554
