Business Lessons From My Record Collection

We seek to inspire teams in thought-provoking ways, often using analogy as a learning strategy. Below is our latest series of engaging videos, where president Vic Ing relates stories from musical artists as informative business lessons.

Lesson #15:
"Own your mistakes"

Lesson #14:
"Billionaire and the teenage genius"

Lesson #13:
"Referrals and hit songs"

Lesson #12:
"Judging an album by its cover"

Lesson #11:
"Formal business reviews"

Lesson #10:
"It's not the guitar, it's the guitarist"

Lesson #9:
"Timing is everything"

Lesson #8:
"Quality just good enough"

Lesson #7:
"Business sampling"

Lesson #6:
"Hire rock stars"

Lesson #5:
"More cowbell!"

Lesson #4:
"Are you a
one-hit wonder?"

Lesson #3:
"If your band is successful, should you really go solo?"

Lesson #2:
"Hire a diverse roster of talent"

Lesson #1:
"Don't sound like a broken record"